Le Domaine Care

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Connecting with teenage grandkids

Grandkids are the apple of their grandparent’s eyes. From first meeting them as tiny, wrapped bundles of joy, to the grinning toddlers that pine for their favourite people - it’s an incredibly special bond that extends far beyond how much you spoil them. 

Just as life is full of changes, so this relationship will face change. This is especially true of their teenage years and it’s important to understand what they’re facing to keep your relationship relevant. Teenage years are a tough time. Your young people are dealing with many changes between school, social pressure, figuring out their futures all while their bodies are charged with hormones and development. It’s a time that makes them feel unsure of their place in the world while trying to figure out their future, and often bringing up these changes will cause them to shut down and turn crimson. 

The stress of their lives presents an amazing opportunity for grandparents to become a safe haven. Let your time with them be a break from the stress - a refreshing escape with a unique and wise perspective. Try the following approaches to regular time spent with them and you’ll find a new, burgeoning relationship that doesn’t rely on the awkward and tired question of: “how are things at school”.

Creating new memories with your grandkids is incredibly important to Le Domaine Care. Our facilities such as the movie theatre, game room, beauty salon, beautiful lakes and scenic gardens offer an opportunity to do something fun with your loved ones.

Invite them to try something new

Approach your next get together as an adventure and suggest things like fishing or teaching them your signature dish. While on the outings, become good at listening and sharing relevant experiences that might connect with them. You’ll be surprised how things like your old fashion or music is back on trend and will be something they’re interested in. If you find something that piques their interest like fashion, take it a step further and teach them to sew, customising their outfits. Through these adventures and relevant conversations, beautiful new memories will be made.

Share stories about their parents

Just as your relationship might be going through a challenging time, their relationship with their parents will be even tougher. It becomes hard to see parents as people who made mistakes and went through the same challenges. You are a vital link to the past and this could be a fun way to keep your grandkids hooked. Family stories about the crazy things their parents did, times they got into trouble or wrecked something will cause laughter and give them a fresh outlook. 

Let them style you

Your grandkids are a part of a very fashion-conscious generation. If you’re looking to freshen up your wardrobe or hairstyle, ask them to help you. They know all the trends and you can do some research together for new ideas. On top of creating a wonderful connecting experience, you’ll have your own personal stylist!.

Have regular movie nights

Movies are an artform that bridges the divide between all ages. They’re also a great way to find out how your grandkids see the world. Let them decide what movie to watch. It will most likely surprise them that you could be interested in something they find important. Once you have a good idea of what excites them, you could recommend a movie that you enjoy. After the movie has finished, talk about it with your grandchild and enjoy the shared experience. 

Creating new memories with your grandkids is incredibly important to Le Domaine Care. Our residents are restricted to one visit per week due to Covid regulations, however they can enjoy wonderful walks out doors.  Our beautiful lakes and scenic gardens offer an opportunity to enjoy nature whilst bonding with your loved ones.