Le Domaine Care

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How to Help Your Aging Loved Ones Feel Purposeful Again

Often, when children have grown up and left the nest, and the retirement that has been so desperately longed for finally arrives, one (ironically) begins to feel as if life is losing purpose. 

According to a study published in Psychological Science in 2014, having a sense of purpose can improve your lifespan. Researchers tracked the physical and mental health of over seven thousand adults aged between 20 and 75 for 14 years, finding that those who felt that they had a purpose or direction in life outlived those who did not. 

What older adults don’t often realise is that they can still have goals and direction in their lives post-retirement. The first step to accomplishing this sense of purpose has to do with mindset, adopting an ‘attitude of gratitude’ for what they’ve done, where they’ve been, and looking forward to where they’re going. The key is to encourage your loved ones to ‘keep doing’, despite the fact that they are no longer working or raising children. In fact, they now have the opportunity to do much more!

These are just a few examples of how you can help your aging loved ones feel purposeful again in their everyday lives once they have retired:

Encourage them to get active

Not only is physical exercise good for your health, but it is a great way to make friends and take part in self-affirming group activities. At Le Domaine Care, we encourage our residents to participate in morning walks, group or individual exercise classes, as well as low impact aqua aerobic exercise, all offered on our premises. Not only do these activities help boost their endorphins, but it encourages residents to keep improving whilst socialising with friends!

Make sure they keep doing their hobbies

Whether it’s gardening, painting, knitting or dancing, make sure that your loved ones keep up with their favourite pastimes post-retirement. As mentioned earlier, they now have more time to do the things that they enjoy! Of course, you may need to adapt their favourite hobbies to fit what they’re able to do currently, but old age shouldn’t stop anyone from taking part in activities that fuel their souls and give them purpose. Our art classes, knitting group, and arts and crafts gatherings are popularly attended by our very talented residents at Le Domaine Care. For us, keeping mentally and creatively stimulated is just as important as being physically active. 

Empower them to try something new

Retiring from your job doesn’t mean that you retire from your life. Help your aging loved ones feel purposeful by researching opportunities for them to try new things. Whether it’s learning a new language or visiting a place they’ve never been to before, redirecting their purpose will help them to redefine how they spend their time. Duolingo is a great App to introduce your aging loved ones to for learning new languages while there are countless new activities to try and places to visit in close proximity to Le Domaine Care. 

Fun and games are for seniors too

We believe everyone is young at heart! By regularly participating in team games, your loved ones will feel like they are part of something bigger, giving them a reason to keep trying to make friends and interact with others. Bingo, Canasta, MahJong, Rummikub, Scrabble, and social Bridge are all frequently played and available in our lounges at Le Domaine Care.

Develop a daily practice

By helping your loved one to create a meaningful daily practice for themselves like writing, walking in nature, meditating or gentle yoga, it can help to give them a sense of purpose and peace. As something that they will aim to do every day, this practice will help reinforce a sense of routine and give your loved ones something to look forward to.

Elderly adults who feel they have a sense of purpose lead healthier, happier and longer lives. That’s why our aim at Le Domaine Care is to provide a caring and engaging environment in which your loved ones can thrive.